Unci Intertribal Programs
Our focus is on the wellness and healing of Native, Indigenous and Interethnic Peoples to help bring about positive changes in their daily lives and the world.
Healthy Native Environments and Ecology
To develop and support Native communities’ grassroots environmental education and efforts towards holistic, regenerative ecological lands stewardship, access, conservation and creation of community organic gardens and agriculture.
UNCI is working to provide environmental education and technical assistance in grassroots community regenerative organic gardening and conservation.

Water Is Life: Unci has begun a program to provide for clean drinking water sources and filtration systems for Indigenous communities in need. Unci is working on a program to provide technical help, access to resources, and education for Native Tribal communities in acquiring and regeneratively sustaining Indigenous agricultural and ceremonial lands, including creating an Indigenous ecological and ceremonial center on sacred Payómkawichum land on Palomar Mountain in San Diego County.