Unci Intertribal Programs

Our focus is on the wellness and healing of Native, Indigenous and Interethnic Peoples to help bring about positive changes in their daily lives and the world.

Native Cultural Exchange, Preservation and Revitalization

To create revitalizing Native and Indigenous intertribal cultural exchanges, bridges and interconnectedness between North American – Mexican- South American Natives through uniting and sharing intertribal cultures, fostering intertribal empowerment and support, sharing of traditional Native tribal knowledge and life-ways.

Native cultural practices including history, language, storytelling, art, myths, ceremonies, song, dance, healing, food, cooking, clothing, sewing, natural ecology, lifestyles inc, social organization, women’s experience circles, and more, are shared, focusing on enriching intertribal interactions, community health, education and ecological preservation.

Unci Intertribal organizes, hosts and supports traditional Native and Indigenous intertribal cultural gatherings and seasonal outdoor camps and conferences for intertribal knowledge sharing, cultural revitalization, support, education, and health and wellness by focusing on Native Tribal and Indigenous cultural exchanges, primarily in Mexico and the United States. Intertribal cultural exchange event participants include intertribal, interethnic, and multiracial communities of North America and Mexico including but not limited to Lakota, Kumeyaay, Payómkawichum, Wixárika (Huichol) , Raramuri (Tarahumara), Dine’, Ysleta Del Sur, Maya, Tecuexe, Nahua del Sur de Jalisco, Zapotec, Apache Mescalero, Mestizo, Chicano, and many more Native, Indigenous, Mixed, and Interethnic Peoples committed to human, animal and environmental restoration.

Unci Intertribal is working to provide environmental education and technical assistance in grassroots community regenerative organic gardening and conservation.